1st, most memorable recording...

In your introduction to high end audio, is their a rock song, ballad, jazz piece, etc. that really knocked your socks off and prompted you to get into the hobby?

In 1990, a buddy had me over to listen to his rig consisting of, merlin sig. 4`s, tandburg amp/pre and denon cdp.

The first piece he played was "Bolero" by the Philadelphia Orchestra. That particular arrangement, on that particular system blew me away and was my introduction into high end audio.

It`s still one of my favorite pieces.

Just wondering if any of you have had a similar experience.
I had a music teacher in grade school...I think this was around 69' - who brought in her copy of "Tommy" by The Who. That and Sgt. Pepper opened up my ears to music, and are probably both the most memorable experiences as far as music. Neither were played on any special rigs..in fact both were quite ordinary and inexpensive...it was the music itself that moved me. If we're talking audiophool cherry-poppin', that'd have to be hearing my friend's modest system of Quad 57's with Audbile Illusions pre and a rebuilt Dynaco 70. The combination was very pipe and slippers and drew me in like a cozy fire I didn't want to go away from. Funny, I can't really recall what he played for me that first time...it was a classical piece, I do remember that, but it really wasn't the music there, but the experience of the system and the kind of presence the music had.

Boa2, so when are you going to put one together? All those Plasmatics, Ah Ha and Duran Duran LPs must really be pileing up.
You know, Viridian, we first put together a nice system almost three years ago, of which two years was spent weaning my wife off Duran Duran & Gene Loves Jezebel. So, let's keep things moving in this positive direction, shall we? Frankly, Mr. LeBon doesn't sound any more palatable on a revealing audio system.
When I was in high school I visited a local high end shop and they put on the MFSL version of the Greatful Dead American Beauty. The first song was Ripple over a M & K satellite/subwoofer system and I was like "Wow"! From that moment on I've been chasing that magic
Billy Cobham 'Spectrum' LP on homemade Electrovoice horn speakers at very loud volumes....
Chris Rea album "Road To Hell" I love all songs from this album and the way they're recorded.