I'll point out, as I have elsewhere, that the Dorian disc is an audiophile's delight, because it was recorded in the Meyerson Hall in Dallas in two different acoustics. For the Jongen, since the organ is featured as a solo instrument, the hall acoustics were set to be more reverberant; for the Saint Saens, where the organ is meant to be part of the orchestra, a more normal concert setting of the acoustics was used (for those of you who are unaware, the Meyerson hall has adjustable panels in it which can change the acoustics of the hall itself). A good system will easily show the differences. In the performance, Guillou doesn't use the 32 foot stops that much in the Saint Saens as he does on the DeWaart recording, but he sure does on the Jongen--if you have subs prepare to be shaken!