a little dinner music

I would love your help in selecting a few CD's that would play well in the background during a nice evening meal with friends. I am looking for music with limited dynamic range so that it can play with fairly uniform softness, generally upbeat in tone, and very beautiful.
Some I like are Japanese Melodies,Rampal flute on Denon. Distant Songs, Barry Gordon,piano on Telarc, Haydn 3 Piano Sonatas, Schriff on Denon, and I Ching Synphony, Steiner on Real Music.
Great suggestions, thank you. I love to hear about and purchase music that is new to me. keep 'em coming.
I'm listening to Ruby Braff right now.
That would be good.
Maybe some Chet Baker too?
as your friends what they would like to hear.....otherwise it may seem rude or anoying to play music unless they would like to hear it......
Jaybo Yes, my approach is usually: Would you like some music on during dinner or do you prefer silence? What kinds of music do you like? If they say classical or jazz or something mellow, I will be armed and ready. Usually in their politeness they say anything you'd like me to hear. Once I start a CD, I say how about that? And they say wonderful.
. . . some good suggestions above, I aspecially like Jond's recommendation of Bill Evans.

Jaybo also makes a good point - I actually know some people who don't like music playing during dinner.

Finally, I have always liked Ralph Towner and Gary Burton - "Matchbook" for dinner music.