What's your system response on " Feels like home"

Pop the Nora Jones" Feels like home", the whole CD sounds tube like. Either too warm to too dull. Love the CD but the midrange is so big and warm so it gives me a fatigue feeling. Not quite like a blanket over the speakers but something is not quite right with the way it is recorded. My recent set up: 400Xi, Sony es cdp,Hero, 8tc,ls9 Polk. I know I need to upgrade the Ls9 and Sony cdp. How does your system response to the particular cd " Feels like home"? Thank you.
I agree with Rotarius - these recordings are mostly free of the over-compressed, supercharged high end normally found on "pop" CDs. personally, I find these CDs (haven't heard the vinyl, as I understand they used the digital master to make the LP ?!) very listeneable and non-fatiguing; although not reference quality, they really do sound quite good. On my system. Which is a mix of tubes (Audible Illusions M3A) and solid state (Nuforce Reference 9s).
heres a shocker...most pop, jazz, and rock recording aren't trying to sound accurate. the goal of most producers and engineers is to capture the 'feel' of the material....can anyone deny the power of THE ROLLING STONES-ENGLANDS NEWEST HITMAKERS, or literally tens of thousands of other recordings because they don't meet some kind of balanced sonic criteria. If a recordings 'sound' is more important then its 'mood' or 'feel', we've really taken the fun out of popular music. Miss Jones CD wasn't made to be a reference disc. it was made to capture her personality by one of the world's greatest producers(god rest his soul).
I actually think it's a good recording and fuller sounding than "Come Fly Away With Me" which is also still a good recording too!*>)
No, Rotarius. I don't like the TIZZY sounds.I do not knock tube sounds either. As a matter of fact, I am trying to sell one of my 400Xi to get the tube-intergrated. Again, there is no battle between tubes vs SS here. My apology to all tuby heads. Just a fact that, as much as I love NJ first CD, her second CD sounds darn-good in my car stereo ( little on the bright side)but the second " Feel like home" sounds overly open and too much bass in my home set-up system. However the " comes away with me" sounds wonderful at home or on the roads. I read some where in this web, the 400XI is ruthless to its source. Maybe, that is the case here.Happy listenning.

Well, I am glad you did not intend to knock tubes. I don't think it's the recording, there isn't much use of cymbals and such to produce the usual top end sparkle.
So which tube integrated are you considering?
I have the recording, "Feels like home" sounds a little better than "come sail away". Both are good recordings that only fall down in the area of drum reproduction when compared to other very well recorded drums...ie, pat Barber (All)...Willie Nelson "Teatro" and others that get it right.

If by "fatigue feeling" you mean makes you want to take a nap...I can understand that, her music is pretty laid back.
