Best Brandenburg Concerto recording CD

Demoing new speakers this weekend...would love to test out Brandenburg Concertos...which recording should I pick?
If you are auditioning only the tweeters of the speakers, then by all means choose from the above. If you want to hear some mids and bass as well (ie. the “whole” speaker), then try Benjamin Britten's recordings with the ECO on Decca. Karl Richter on DGG (an older recording) is also worthy of a listen.

(Boys, I think the frenzy for “original instruments” has mercifully past.)

Rufus, I think you're exagerating a little, but I do see your point. Britten's recordings with Decca are nice, full-bodied and definitely a different sound than the leaner sound we've almost become acustomed to with the period instruments performances that have been dominating the new releases. Alpass, the Pearlman I'm referring to is the Telarc version, the only one of which I'm aware.
Just curious I was given a bunch of old classical lp's mostly unplayed and in the collection is a Brandenburg Concerto boxed set on the Telefunken label. It's all in German so I can't understand much but I think the condctor is Nikolous Harnoncourt and it seems as if original instruments are used. I know zero about classical is this set any good either musically or sonically? I'm currently between turntables and so can't give it a listen. I don't mean to hijack the thread, I thought my question dovetailed nicely with the original.