Best Rock Drummers

I've seen most of them and by far the two that stand out are Neil Peart of Rush and Ceasar Z. of Golden Earring. For non-rock I would say it's a no brainer with Buddy Rich.
Polyrhythmic demonstration by the Hulk!

Be wary it starts slow (demonstrating great groove and feel) and builds. After 6 minutes of drum solo, he jumps up, bows, wipes off the sweat, and he immediately launches into a cool groove. I have seen this solo personally five feet from Dennis.
Brian Blade is amazing. Prolly not classified as a rock drummer but no doubt he could be...check him out.
Tony Williams. Try his "new" lifetime album w/ Allan Holdsworth (guitar) Drummer Extraordinaire, in my opinion. I would sit 10-15 feet away from Billy Cobham at small NY Village clubs. He hits hard and fast. I would flinch, imagining a stick snapping and lodging in my forehead! Greg Bandy, another one...each time I saw him play, I'd keep giving him a nod and a thumbs-up...he's like...ya' think that was good, how about this!!...back and forth. Top of their craft! Disclaimer: not rock but do ROCK!