Alison Kraus : So long so wrong ; Vinyl

Picked this up on Vinyl for christmas. Whilst its well mastered and balanced it lacked realism and didnt sound natural.

Is this a digital recordign put out on vinyl does anyone know?
I looked on the jacket and couldnt find any recordig info. It did list a 'digital mixing' engineer.

I thought it was a well recorded mixed album, just didnt sound 'real' to me. I guess it must be my system. compared to other female vocalists (analogue recorded) her voice seemed to be missing something.

I have the MoFi release too. It sure sounds clear, crisp, modern..... Digital??? My main problem with the whole deal is the amount of crappy digital reverb they have overlaid on everything. Why do people feel like they have to sound like they are singing/playing in a cave (or in this case, a digitally rendered one) when they make a recording?

I guess I'm old school, but give me the Bluegrass Boy's (with Flatt and Scruggs of course) standing around a single mic and playing their asses off!
