Anyone going to see the Police?

The prices for decent seats at some of these shows is staggering. That said, I cannot miss them, they are one of my favorite bands of all time. It was really good seeing them play together at the Grammy's. Anyway, just thought I'd see what everyone thought of the tour.
I was a teenager when this band was popular in the early 80's.
They were no big deal then and even less of a deal now. I guess music is so mediorce nowadays people are holding on to their memories for better or worse.
Wmcmanus, your point about the living room is well taken. The soound at large event concerts is not the point at all. Concerts are all about the event, the emotion, even the crowd for me. If getting lost in good sound is the aim, then my listening room is the place for me.
listen to their live record. they were a terrible live band. and that's the "good" show they recorded!

and now they're washed up.

(and this is coming from a HUGE Police fan. but they just don't warrant it).
I like the Police, but doubt I will go, too bad they are playing the ultra big arenas and stadiums, I mean there are only 3 of them, very few bands can come alive at the big arenas, Mccartney can do it, Aerosmith can do it,Queen did do it, etc. I think they would come off much better at smaller but still large enough venues,both musically and sonically/
after haring them at the grammy's, only part of the show i saw, there is no chance of me being there. I saw them at the height of their popularity, 1982 i think, so no big deal anyway. but let me get this correct. By tickets for show to see 3 people perform for almost 25 years after the fact or make a car payment. choice is easy.d