music these days....

I was flipping channels today and noticed a show where Beyonnce was being interviewed.

She stated without hesititation and with comfort and conviction something to the effect that "when I write music I feel more empowered than I could be in real life"

So, the last I checked, Beyonnce has about ZERO % influence on her music, I have no doubt that she writes the lyrics, but writing lyrics aint on the same level as writing music or creating music.

Most lyrics these days could be written by a 12 year old.

Is it just me, but does this bother you? It bothers me, because it provides too much underserved credibility to todays "artists". I think if you take the average person, especially a 15 year old, they can't make the distinction or perhaps don't care enough to investigate. I feel this opens the door to every talentless Joe or Jane (see American Idol tryouts) who thinks they can do the same which could answer why we are in this sad state of Popular Music these days.
To me, it's repetitive rhythm machine stuff with little or no improvisation or originality.
Pretty typical thread from people who are more into their gadgets than music. How absurd to proclaim that no good music has been made since 1979! Simply untrue. I hate when people generalize the entire genre of "music" by implying that all of it sounds like "insert current pop-star's name here".
Synthfreek. How absurd to think that this thread is composed by people who are more into gadgets than music. I'd be interested to know how you came to that conclusion.
Having managed to reach the half-century mark, I have lived through a few of the changes in popular music. This argument has been around as long as I can remember. Each generation has their "benchmark" for what qualifies (for them) as good music.
I remember folks saying the Beatles, Who, Animals , (insert group name here) were crap. In the mid to late '70s disco was all the rage. Some thought that was crap. The '80s gave us boy bands, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, and "big hair bands" (Whitesnake, anyone?) Some thought that that was crap.The era of punk with Sex Pistols, Ramones, etc. And so it goes, with each sea change in popular culture.
You stated that "Nothing good has happened in music since 1979." I think that in itself is an admission that you are the one who isn't "into music". It's the same old "they don't make good music anymore" story that just doesn't hold water.