music these days....

I was flipping channels today and noticed a show where Beyonnce was being interviewed.

She stated without hesititation and with comfort and conviction something to the effect that "when I write music I feel more empowered than I could be in real life"

So, the last I checked, Beyonnce has about ZERO % influence on her music, I have no doubt that she writes the lyrics, but writing lyrics aint on the same level as writing music or creating music.

Most lyrics these days could be written by a 12 year old.

Is it just me, but does this bother you? It bothers me, because it provides too much underserved credibility to todays "artists". I think if you take the average person, especially a 15 year old, they can't make the distinction or perhaps don't care enough to investigate. I feel this opens the door to every talentless Joe or Jane (see American Idol tryouts) who thinks they can do the same which could answer why we are in this sad state of Popular Music these days.
David Sedaris is a regular "guest" on NPR. Along with being a writer, I guess I would call him a raconteur, or an observer of the human condition, he uses his own life experiences as examples. Amy Sedaris, his sister, recently had a TV show called "Strangers With Candy" in which she played the world's oldest high school freshman, returning to school after doing a long stint in prison on drug charges. Really funny and really disturbing.
I have Amy's book as well but my wife is "devouring" it now. Inside there is a very funny page showing the actual "Fu@# It Bucket" from several of David's stories. I'd recommend Me Talk Pretty One Day as the first book of his to read. Side-splitting from beginning to end. Holidays On Ice is also fantastic. I have ran book stores, video stores and record stores so maybe I have an unfair advantage. My wife also has a doctorate in literature so we have a pretty decent library.
I was pleased to see someone mention that particular group of authors. When you mentioned Brautigan, I was trying to think which work. I know Sedaris' new one, Pynchon's new one, but Brautigan has not had anything published recently, has he?

sorry to hijack the thread from music to literature....

Sad to say, Richard Brautigan committed suicide in the mid 1980s. I love all of his books, novels and poetry alike. Most famous, probably "Troutfishing In America," but also check out the more obscure, such as "Willard and His Bowling Trophies." A truly unique writer. That was a nice list, Synthfreek.