Suggestions for Classical Piano "works of merit"

Following a disc of Beethoven Piano Sonatas by Anne Oland I just put on a CD from "Shumann Piano Works" played by Wilhelm Kempff. What an extraordinary contrast in both content and playing. Wilhelms intense sensitivity to the moment by moment transitions in Schumanns lyrical and personal "Scenes from Childhood" and "Fantasies" is starkly,and beneficially contrasted,following the Beethoven pieces, and reveals a true master plumbing the full potential of the pieces & piano. This is from a 4CD Deutsche Grammaphone compilation from 1967 to 1975; (Stereo 471 312-2), recordings that I very highly recommend to afficianados and new listeners as well. (The recording quality is excellent on my Spectral/MIT system.) I would enjoy and appreciate hearing of other fine collections and any feedback on the Schumann.
I second it, Wilhelm Kempff is amazing. Try his solo Bach recordings on DG. Some of the finest performances/recordings I've ever heard. His playing can stop time.
Kempff's 1953/1955 recordings of Beethoven's piano concerti (on DG, mono of course!) are gorgeous. the CD reissue sounds amazingly good considering their age.
Your suggestions are 'most' appreciated and each will be followed up very shortly. Very encouraging. Thank you & happy listening.
Psacanli, Are you looking for recommendations of great solo piano music, such as Schumann's Fantasy in C, op17 and Beethoven's Sonata #29 - the Hammerklavier (my favorite of Beethoven's 32) or are you just interested in discussing collections by a single performer? I think you wanted the latter and I have neither Kempff's Schumann (I have the Beethoven LP Collection) nor do I have any other Beethoven collections except for Brendels last which I do not particularily recommend (although many like Brendel's performances).
If you are looking for other than discussions of Kempff and 'collections' I'll be happy to pass on a few of my fav's of the more popular composers.

FWIW Kempff was a great pianist, but one of many...........
I would agree with Newbee on current Brendel recordings, but some of his from the early 60's to at least early 70's are outstanding. Especially his version of the Beethoven Choral Fantasy