Did you see Springsteens latest show???

I have seen the future of Rock and Roll and it's name is Bruce Springsteen, again. Now more than ever. Long live Rock.
Springsteen is a washed up hack, seeing how he hates America so much I invite him to move.
Bruce Springsteen loves America and what it stands for, he is a true patriot. It's this current administration that's un-American. George Bush is not America. The right to not support his war machine is what America is all about. Its our duty as Americans to keep goverment in line and he's doing his part. What are you doing???
bruce hates america? hell, i thought he was america. i saw his first show as a 'columbia' recording artist...he played warm up to sha na na in columbus, ohio.....now there was a radical band for sure.
Dreadhead, the saddest part about what you write is you're dumb enough to believe it. The radical left has controlled the house and the senate for several years now, and have done nothing to pull the US out of Iraq or Afghanistan. You will do anything not to get blamed for the loss of the war, and you'll do anything to keep a victory from taking place during the current administration...

You're all posturing and NO substance, just like Bruce Springsteen who is a washed up hack for the radical left. If you think energy prices are too high, thank the left...



Hi, thanks for the personal reply, gotta admire your convictions. I agree
with you whole heartily about the democrats. They have proved to be
ineffectual leaders, two sides of the same coin. Radical left???? I think
not. I and many others like me, love this country and would be willing to
die for what it represents but this man in office has done much damage to
our great nation and children are dying because of it. Lets both pray for
peace, life is too short for anything else. Take care my brother, Rick