Did you see Springsteens latest show???

I have seen the future of Rock and Roll and it's name is Bruce Springsteen, again. Now more than ever. Long live Rock.
A few comments re: your above post:
If Springsteen is, as you state, such a "washed up hack",
what performer(s) do you consider to be, shall we say, viable?
Secondly, what's really sad about your comments to Dreadhead is that you actually believe the"radical left", whatever that may be, is resposible for our current gas prices??
I guess you also believe that Bush and Cheney aren't in bed with big oil?
When you talk about all posturing and no substance, you're talking about our dumb ass president, aren't you?
Better yet, name me 3-just 3-things this administration has done that's been worthwhile?
Look forward to your comments.
Greh - since in your ignorance you are unaware of the e-mails that have passed between the author and me, in which we discussed many of the things you mention, I will reiterate.

The cost of energy is up because the tree huggers have prevented viable and safe energy since the 70's. Now ALL the power plants are seriously outdated. The cost of gas is based on supply and demand. The president has no more control over the cost of gas than you with your exessive release of methane does on the ozone layer.

Logical thought is obviously not your strong suit, but consider the idea, gas prices first jumped up under the Carter administration. Was Carter in collusion with big oil? Prices took their next biggest jump during the Clinton administration, does that mean the lying fat bastard Clinton was in bed with big oil (along with all those tramps)???

Our president that you accuse of being dumb got better grades in college than the last two presidents. Don't forget the fool that dropped out of Oxford to smoke dope, but not inhale...

President Bush (with whom I have a number of areas of dissatisfaction) had the courage to stand up to international terrorists after fat Billy let them bomb our embassies, our Navy vessels, Marine barracks, and the World Trade Centers. Before you jump to your feet and declare your righteous indignation at my error, remember the first bombing of the WTC!?!

President Bush lowered taxes on the middle class, of which I at about $40,000 a year am a part. I am very thankful that he is concerned about common working people.

I love that GWB doesn't allow his policy be determined by public opinion poles. His ratings are poor, not because Americans are unhappy with the war, but because he has fallen into the left mode of spending money like therre's no tomorrow, BUT his approval rating his much higher than the democrat controlled house and senate...

Next time think before you open your mouth!


