Did you see Springsteens latest show???

I have seen the future of Rock and Roll and it's name is Bruce Springsteen, again. Now more than ever. Long live Rock.
Amen Brother!!! Very well said and thank you Audiogn for posting it.
What are rock & rollers rebelling about? Anyone can do anything they want, say anything they want. When rock & roll and hip-hop cultures are the status quo & mainstream, what in the Hell are they rebelling against? The minority who happens to have different opinions? Oh yeah, rebelling against the Bush admininstration.

Let's see Bruce S. come up with a solution to the worldwide Islamic revolution intended to establish the Califate throughout every continent. Just ask the lucky 400,000 who've been slaughtered in Darfur. Their lives sacrificed for the coming World of Islam. Anyone know that 3,000-4,000 have been murdered by Islamists in Thailand in the last 3 years (according to a Detroit Fress Press article quoting a New York Times article)? What does Thailand have to do with the Bush Admin, or Israel, or big oil? How about the thousands who march in the streets of London carrying signs saying, "Europe, your 9/11s are coming", "Kill all non-believers", and "Cut off the heads of all infidels"?

Unfortunately, Martykl is absolutely right - the Bush fumblers have blown everything they tried. They let thousands of Taliban terrorists escape in Afghanistan, including Osama Bin Laden and Mulla Omar. They also completely blew the Iraq war at every phase. If Bush had been president in 1941, we'd all be talking German west of the Mississippi, Japanese east of it.
Of course, if Gore had been president it would have happened a lot sooner.

By the way, Bruce has always sung and shouted from the front of his throat giving a pinched and constipated quality to his singing. That and the sloggy musicianship has always put me off. "Philidelphia" is a great song, though. He's not posturing as usual.

Anyone else remember a mid 80s Absolute Sound review of a Springstreen concert in which the writer said he felt like standing up in the middle of the show and shouting, "I am the only here not being fooled by this??"

Oh yeah, as regards America's position in the world, anyone realize France elected a conservative President, as did Germany? Europe is slowing starting to come around because - their 9/11s are truly being plotted now.
You guys are on the wrong site.
This was started by- did you see the Springsteen concert?
I have not, but I definitely will. Because he is the BADDEST of them all!!!
He has nothing to do with terrorism, oil prices, or your audio spending habits.
He is simply a GREAT American rockin roller with the writing and chops to "prove it all night."

Viva The Boss
'Oh yeah, as regards America's position in the world, anyone realize France elected a conservative President, as did Germany? Europe is slowing starting to come around because - their 9/11s are truly being plotted now'.

Tom with all due respects I think you should concentrate on music as you know diddly squat about EU politics.