Name your favorite sax solo.

My personal favorite is Coleman Hawkins playing over Mood Indigo on Duke Ellington Meets Coleman Hawkins (Impulse). Gotta be one of the best things ever recorded. Melodic, technincal, beautiful... He was awsome even when he was just mailing it in. You can never have too much Hawk!
Clarence Clemons on Jungleland. But maybe that's just because I went to a Bruce Springsteen concert last night. By tomorrow, it will probably be back to Coleman Hawkins' Body and Soul.
Mentioning anything called a "solo" likely means an inferior sax player of "Yakety Sax" quality.
I would second "Doctor Wu" and add Clarence Clemons solo from "Independence Day" on The River. Real simple, just moves me.
John Handy's solo on Mingus' "Goodbye Porkpie Hat" (the version on Mingus Ah Um)- *beautiful*.