worse entertainer or performer of all time??

I would like to try something new or at least get away from what TT or amp should I pick type of posting.I am wondering from many of my fellow Audiogoners what performer past and present made you say to yourself WHO TOLD THIS PERSON THEY HAD SERIOUS TALENT. My pick would be for the moment Jennifer Lopez. I just have no idea how in the world she got where she is today. I guess just good luck and the exceptance of mediocrity. Please this posting was not meant to insult anyones musical taste.
I actually like William Shatner, to me, he seems to be taking his acting abilities less seriously these days. I think he gets the joke.
New spin on old thread!

I also happen to like William Shatner!

I still stand by Kenny G as the worst of all time, in a tie with Michael Bolton and the singer from Nazareth ''Love Hurts'' closing in rapidly, what an ear bleeder this guy is.
Adam Sandler. Biggest loser in entertainment history. Makes Brett Michaels, et al seem like Lennon and McCartney.