Zappa plays Zappa

I am off to the show tomorrow night and thought I would see if anyone has been to see it? I will be attending the Jubilee hall in Calgary where the sound is awsome and I am 3rd row in the orchestra section. What are your thoughts on the show??

There are many different styles of Zappa, what type of music do you like.

My personal Zappa favorites are The Grand Wazoo and Hot Rats. Very musical, somewhat jazzy but not hard to listen to and enjoy, no overly silly lyrics, fantastic guitar....
Rosedanny - Shiek Yer Booty, Joe's Garage, Just another band from LA, Shiek Yer Booty.

Wildoats - I agree. I've seen FZ three times and listened to Dweezil on TV and a live album. His guitar playing is pretty good but it ain't his Daddy's by any stretch of the imagination. I think people tend to give the kids a break, which is fine as far it goes. Sean Lennon, Wolfgang Van Halen, Dylan's son, and Dweezil - get real. The best you can say is they're listenable.

regards, David
Rosedanny Hot Rats is my favorite - Overnight Sensation and Apostrophe are both fun to listen and quite good as well.

Wireless - I think Dweezel is a very good guitarist but what do I know? I agree Frank Zappa was in a league of his own...

sorry to highjack your thread Ghostrider
No problem Philjolet, I am enjoying the conversationl. I think Jazz from Hell and Zoot Allures are on the top of my list these days. Also the lost episodes are interesting.
Saw them in akron ohio in 2007. Lineup included Steve Vai Terry Bozzio and Napoleon Murphy Brock. After the 3 hour concert I was exhausted (in a good way). One of the best Zappa shows I've ever seen (saw Frank about a dozen times).