Robert & Alison-Raising Sand

I just got this gem on vinyl the other day and i must say its fantastic. Quite the combo doing what they do best!

Anybody else had the chance to listen to this yet?

I really enjoy this music - fun and moody IMO

It reminds me of Howie Gelb's Giant Sand. Howie is also in Lambchop for those who seek something similar these are both worth a listen (though without Robert or Allison)
I thought this was a really boring record. Not because Plant isn't Plant or Krauss isn't Krauss (and I like both otherwise) - it's just boring and dull music, completely uninspired.

I've really tried to like it, especially as there are many people who hold it in such high regard. But honestly, I don't get it!
I agree with Osgorth's sentiments. I was excited to finally get this LP but once I listened to it 5 times I am still wondering what all the hype was. It is so boring.
I like the record with it's laid back nature and recently saw them at Jazzfest in New Orleans - this stuff sounded great live as well as a few juicy zep tunes Black Country Woman, a slowed down plodding Black Dog, Battle for Evermore (excellent) and When the Levee Breaks. They also did some nice Union Station stuff