Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now

Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now!
Last week, Congress passed a bill aimed at increasing penalties and for sharing mp3s. Meanwhile, outraged audiophiles argue the interpretation of this vague 69-page bill.
I think Dreadhead shows us that there are not just two sides of the fence. Because I definitely don't agree with anything stated above. Artists should be able to make a good living off of their talent and hard work. The trick is to find a way to do it within the current trends and capabilities of technology.
burn a copy of a cd for a friend. 10 songs $350,000 fine and up to 5+ years In jail . What's the penalty for rape or possession of cocaine ?
Hoist the Flag and fire a round at Metallica. I think they started this us versus fan thing. :)
Aaargh matey! And I be drink'n rum while I be do'n it, burn'n CDs on a dead mans chest! Hang me from the yard arm!!!