Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now

Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now!
Last week, Congress passed a bill aimed at increasing penalties and for sharing mp3s. Meanwhile, outraged audiophiles argue the interpretation of this vague 69-page bill.
burn a copy of a cd for a friend. 10 songs $350,000 fine and up to 5+ years In jail . What's the penalty for rape or possession of cocaine ?
Hoist the Flag and fire a round at Metallica. I think they started this us versus fan thing. :)
Aaargh matey! And I be drink'n rum while I be do'n it, burn'n CDs on a dead mans chest! Hang me from the yard arm!!!
Jaybo my friend, I know I hit the nail on the head when you chime in. The thought process in my previous post dates back to my days as a Deadhead. A band that actually encouraged taping and sharing their shows. They understood that once the note was played live it was a like a baby bird leaving the nest for the first time. They knew then what we all should know by now. Music belongs to the people. Without the fans their is no music. It is a two way street, the band needs the fans and the fans need the band. I'm not against the artist getting paid but to think music can be controlled is a very naive assumption. I thought that was obvious. When a tree falls in the woods it DOES NOT make sound. A sound needs ears to hear it.