Give the new Kid Rock a shot.

I initially picked up the Kid Rock "Rock and Roll Jesus" and scanned it quickly. Not bad but it was not on my must play list. I gave it a run the other day and I'm here listening to it yet again. What a change in the "Kid". He is sounding Skynard / rock / mountain music / fun. Two of the favorites are #10 "Blue jeans and a rosary" and #11 "Half your age" (the more you hear this one the more you like it). I like all sorts of music from classical to country and this disk is up with my favorites. LMK if anyone has any imput on his "new" sound.
Glad to see the response! Synthfreek - THANK YOU FOR GIVING IT A SHOT!! GLAD YOU LIKED IT! I learned a long time ago that being closed minded to new and / or different anythings gets you nowhere but where you were.
Agaffer why are you concluding that because someone doesn't like Kid Rock they're boring?

There's probably people on this site that have forgotten more styles of music that you've ever heard and STILL don't like Kid Rock.

And, no, I've never heard the album and am still not interested. I am prejudging based on my experiences and I am using my powers of deductive reasoning. I am assuming I will not like. Yes, I know it's possible but I doubt it.