Wilco on Austin City Limits

I saw them on Austin City Limits recently and was really impressed with this band. They have a great sound, interesting lyrics and Nels Cline is an absolute MF on the guitar.

Anybody heard Nels new album?
For all those who just got into Wilco and like alt-country/southern rock. You might look into Uncle Tupelo. They are the prequil to Wilco. Jeff Tweedy, Jay Farrar and Mike Heidorn. A good ablum to pick up would be Anthology. Pretty much a greatest hits album. Very interesting to hear their sound mature in such a short time.

IMO, March 16th-20th is the best Tupelo album by far. It is all acustic and difinitely has several toe tappers.
As someone a little older, I have grown to really enjoy Wilco. It did not happen the first couple of spins of their albums. They can write good music, Tweedy has a very unique soulful voice. Also their recordings sound very good !
Rockyboy your statement that they will not be around next year is absurd and sounds like it comes from someone who knows nothing about music. Do your homework Rockboy! Alan Parsons good lyrics Gasp! Gasp! what a joke.
i come out in the middle on the whole wilco debate. they're ambitious (perhaps overly so), tweedy's a good writer and nels cline is an incredible guitarist, but they seem to rock less with each new record--unlike uncle tupelo, they seem more fixated with sound than with feel.
as a related aside, paste magazine ranked tweedy the 24th greatest living songwriter, ahead of pete townsend, ray davies and john fogerty. (jay farrar was 98). sounds crazy to me, but controversy is the cornerstone of criticism.
Wilco seems increasingly shaped by Cline's loft jazz-- which is both good and bad in the sense that while the band has become more experimental and technically polished, it has strayed further from roots and R&R. Agree with Loomis that the head went with Wilco and the heart with Uncle Tupelo and further into Son Volt and Gob Iron. The latest Son Volt & Gob Iron albums are very fine and confirm Farrar's seriousness & lasting importance. I can do without most of Uncle Tupelo and early Wilco, but not without Farrar's recent mature incarnations.