Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Vinyl...

I have never seen any of their recordings on vinyl, but if it were available, would you buy a copy???

I'm thinking of getting on someone's case to get this on a good format...



I have ever never heard this orchestra. But if you has any chance to get Melodya (the former state owned LP company of the Sovietunion) LP with russion performers, recorded by Melodya, you should not miss the chance to buy them. They simply fantastic sounding LPs.
Trans Siberian Orchestra - and I thought it wasn't possible to out cheese John Tesh
Trans-Siberian Orchestra is great Christmas music, and good stories! If you don't like them it's more a reflection on you than them...



darkmoebius i think we should respect what everyone like to listen to. we are all in this because of the music. let people enjoy what they want without riduculing them
No offense intended, guys, I was just joking around. I have plenty of favorites that others would be rolling on the carpet about.