That's one of the best things about audio related web forums. I've gotten lots of great music recommedations for A-goNrs.
BTW, Have you tried using Pandora? It's a kind of internet radio where you tell it the artist you want to hear. You create a "station" based on a particular artist. It then uses its giant databased called "The music geneome project" and matches other artist or songs that are similar. It's really cool for finding new music. Just set up a station using an artist that you want to hear and Pandora will play some songs from that artist and similar artist/songs.
It can get a bit repetitive if you listen to the same "station" all of the time. So, set up several stations (artist), then create a quick mix of several stations. That broadens the artist selection, so you don't get nearly as many repeats.
It's a killer music application and it's (currently) free. It plays the songs in their entirety (unlike samples at Amazon) and you can skips songs you don't like. Too Cool.....