Best Recording of Solo Tambourine

I seek the best, most accurate and most realistic recording of a solo tambourine that anyone is aware of. Please give ordering details (Disc title and label, artists, and disc serial or product #'s) Out of print discs are not too helpful, as I intend to order the suggested discs from Amazon or Arkiv Musik. Thanks, 'Goners!
Sorry you won't be reading this but I'll include it for future reference. The Monkees always had a good tambourine. That little Davy Jones is good tam player.

This is so lame. The tambourine sucks, and once you get some real hours up listening, you will find out how fast the magic fades. After a few years you will wish you could not even spell tambourine (i used spellcheck).
I am with audiofeil and plan to dump my collection on ebay as soon as the market picks up.

I learned my lesson on the tambourine and I am now really getting into the Vuvuzela which kicks the tambourine's scrawny a#@, but you would be shocked to find out how few quality recordings there are out there. Lots of live stuff which is lacking somehow. Any recommendations ?