Dr. Ebbetts Beatles CD's

Does anyone know about these CD's? I'm trying to get a mono copy of REVOLVER & RUBBER SOUL. The red Jap. mono vinyl is out of my price range.

I saw an auction on eBay, as follows:


EAS 70136


Up for auction is a brand spanking new Dr. Ebbetts CD release - the Japanese Red Vinyl monophonic version of the Beatles' 1966 LP REVOLVER. This CD is soured directly from the coveted 1981 Japanese Red Mono Vinyl Collection, featuring what is now being talked about amongst collectors as the best sounding version of the original MONO REVOLVER LP available. This is an absolute genuine Dr. Ebbetts release, featuring the new full disc Ebbetts printing system, inserts and incredible audio. The clarity and sound here is the best available.

No paper labels, no cheapos. The real Ebbetts. Sharp, beautiful printing all around, top notch graphics. the best sound.

You will be receiving a brand new, never played, still in the original re-sealable sleeve copy of this Ebbetts release.

Is this an authorized CD-R, an Apple pressing, or a bootleg? I've never heard of "Dr. Ebberts"??? BTW, the CD went for $66.00
Hey Arnold relax, if you're a Beatles fan and haven't purchased anything that might be a bootleg, than you should be canonized. :>)
Sorry I over reacted in my post. I just hate to see people get ripped off. Paying for a bootleg is just plain wrong if you ask me. The bootlegger is making tons of money and there are no royalties being paid. That being said, I'm a collector of live Pink Floyd shows. We don't buy or sell, but trade them online in Flac format.
Arnold, I totally agree with you, but it is so hard to resist when it comes to the Beales!
Does anyone know why we can't get official releases of the Beatles catalog that are actually high rez/real mono whatever like the Stones (well Abkco) have done and Dylan has done and the Kinks and numerous others? Do all the fans who actually grew up with the band have to be dead and buried before it happens ????
Arnold_layne, you said,
"I just hate to see people get ripped off."
Well, I guess Sir Paul should have signed a pre-nup when he married a girl young enough to be his daughter!!!! Obviously, not the brains of the "Fab-Four"!