New Rainbow remasterings are awful

I just bought first 5 remastered Rainbow cds and am very dissapointed with the sound (or compression that substitutes it)It sounds like these CDs were burned from a 128 kbs playlist.Keep your original CDs,they are way more musical.Just a heads up so you won't repeat my mistake.Avoid new remasters of Rainbow.I guess we are all kinda spoiled by Rhino quality of remasters.I hope in the future they will do Rainbow as well.
>>Are you people serious<<

Legitimate question. Most folks would know of the band and a couple members, specifically Blackmore and Dio.

However, Rainbow is not a significant group in the grand scheme of rock and roll.

IMHO I would have to put Rainbow up there with the forefathers of metal or at minimum hard rock in general. I gues if you dont know whow Rainbow, Deep Purple is just another crayon in the Crayola box!!!
Rainbow is not Deep Purple.

Dio is not Ian Gillan but he could be Rod Evans or David Coverdale.

Blackmore is Blackmore in either band. A self absorbed and very good, but not primo guitarist, who has a much higher opinion of himself than do his contemporaries and reviewers.

"rainbow is not Deep Purple"

Totally agree. And also agree that Blackmore is a self indulgent self imposed guitar god, but by no means whatsoever a great guitarist. What he did do was put two very diverse and successfull projects together. If he didn't have such issues both bands would have gone much, much further. The original Rainbow line up with Dio was my favorite and probably the best that was put together.

My initial point was how someone could not know who Rainbow was. Gillan by the way could not hold a candle to Dio...Just my opinion.....

I've actually seen Ritchies latest project "Blackmores Night" with his wife Candice...Not bad...If your into minstrel music:)
Actually, Blackmore was a "primo" guitarist. As good as he was in DP Mk II (I love that era), his prowess really began to peak during the DP Mk III and early Rainbow years. At the time of Rainbow, I was into a "broader" range of music and I really didn't enjoy the direction Blackmore had taken. However, today, I realize what an impact he and his band(s) have made. Don't ask your average person on this site about Blackmore. Ask the best electric guitarists (rock, progressive, blues etc.) who Blackmore was/is and what his influences have been. Then you'll get the real story. Sure, I'm a hypocrite like everyone else at times, but in this case, I have actually asked many great players about Blackmore - all responses are that he is one of the don't go there.