Rock Siblings.....

I thought Julian Lennon had potential but that didn't happen. Forget Sean. Jakob Dylan is good but certainly not Dylan good. Zak Starkey has surpassed his Dad in every way. I think Damian Tuff Gong Marley does Bob Marley justice. Theres a bunch more out there, the more obscure the better. Any observations?
>>Probably not a bad thing, if you're at all concerned about liver function and life expectancy<<

Which of course has no relevance to either's musical acumen/proficiency.

Stay on course here horsehead.
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I meant Rock's offspring. Not siblings. The kids of rock musicians we may have grown up listening to. Sorry for the confusion.
I also meant that Zak has surpassed his Dad in his drumming ability not in his accomplishments. That is undeniable.
Just finished watching the worthwhile Entwistle documentary "An Ox Tale." Though I had followed that band closely, I never realized that Entwistle & Moon treated each other pretty much as siblings-- in friendship, clubbing, shared bad habits, and of course bonded as R&R's best ever rhythm section. I'd cut Zak some slack on this one.
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