Jazz Piano Trio / Spanish Guitar

Hello All,
I'm looking to broaden my musical pallet and I'd like to take some baby steps into jazz trios (piano, bass, drums). Please recommend some artists (groups?) that are easily accessible to virgin ears. I'd like to still hear a melodic line somewhere in the song, so nothing to avantgard or "free jazz"ish.... and of course sonic beauty is important as well, so I guess I'd be biased to more recent recordings.
I'm also looking for some recommendations of Spanish guitar artists. NO flamenco please, (yikes, too crazy for my tastes)..... just some beautiful Spanish guitar artists with albums that contain tracks that are solo guitar AND tracks with soft accompaniment.

"Momma let that boy play some rock and roll. Jazz is much too crazy, he can play that when he's old"

Guess I'm there, hehe :(
p.s.,another excellent one is Junior Mance with different people over the years.A favorite is,Junior Mance Trio,Blue Mance.Excellent sound quality also.
Check out "Tord Gustavsen Trio" three CDs on ECM label. Excellent! Try " The Ground' first and the other two are kind of similar but great all the same. TGT has Piano, Double bass and drums.

Also great is the Tin Hat Trio. They play different instruments but music is great.