SACD availability?

Does anyone know of any retail chains that stock and sell a decent variety of SACDs (i.e. Sam Goody, FYE, B&N, Borders, etc)? I can find hundreds on-line but I'd rather go to the retail store and buy them. It's fun to browse. Any stores out there you know of? I'm in NJ.
I've never seen a really good selection at any B&M shop. J&R Classical in NYC isn't bad but not great. Last time I was there, their selection was smaller than what I have at home!


That's what I thought. Too bad. Do you play SACDs and how many do you have? Where do you buy them? I found great collections at, amazon, b&n, etc.
1st place to check is This is a montly club membership for CDs and SACDs at 6.99 ea. including shipping. You can join and quit at any time. One CD minimum per month. They have a minimalist collection of SACDs, but at the price, it is a good source depending on the type of music you like.

Anoher great source is where you can find both current and out of print SACDs, both new and used. Many of the used ones are in excellent condition. Prices can be pretty good, but the hard to get stuff is still expensive. Go to Amazon and just do a music search "SACD".

Amazon provides user reviews of the recording and performance. allows you to generally listen to portions of the songs.