Top Alternative Rock Albums of 2008

In no particular order here is a list. Please feel free to throw in some names I'm always in the search of great new music.

No Age - Nouns (Dinosaur Jr meets Weezer)
The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes (really folky but I dig it)
Beck - Modern Guilt
Sigur Rós - Með Suð Í Eyrum Við (possibly my favorite in 08)
Portishead - Third (took a couple listens but I get it now)

Albums I bought and was let down by:

TV On The Radio - Dear Science
I don't mind the album, it's just that Return to Cookie Mountain was so much better.

My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
Just didn't sound like MMJ to me. After buying Fleet Foxes recently maybe I'll get into more.

The Black Keys - Attack and Release
A few good tunes, album has too many holes though

Album's I didn't buy or care to buy:

Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Bloc Party - Intimacy
Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night
Hi Audiohifila,

On my system Sigur Ros sounds excellent, warm and open with layers. I do however only own the CD.
Radiohead "In Rainbows" from top to bottom, a classic

Duffy "Rocksteady" soulfull, hip, tunes with quality mastering. It sounds great.

Tommy Castro "Painkiller" It sounds better every time I play it.

I also became a fan of the Killers after catching a concert of theirs on cable. Purchased a couple of their most recent cd's and enjoyed them.
I'm going to double down on Synthfreek's suggestion(s):

Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago - Just saw them this week in Philly...2nd concert this year and they were great both shows.


Thoa - We Brave Bee Stings and All - no where near the revelation of Bon Iver but I really like this album...perhaps feel good album of the year for me.

Lastly, Radiohead - In Rainbows
Mike 60

One of the better underground bands--vinyl is incredible sounding. A rich catalogue to mine real sonic gems.