Best Rock Albums in 2009, so far

I would like to nominate the album: Keep It Hid - Dan Auerbach. From 2008 I reaaly liked Only by the Night - Kings of Leon
Alice in Chains "Black gives Way to Blue" is outstanding.

I was very skeptical about the new singer being able to fit into the band after Layne Staley's passing. Layne was such a huge part of the signature sound of AIC. Then I saw them at the House of Blues a couple of months ago with the new singer, and quite frankly he blew me away. He nails the old AIC material with an almost eerie similarity to Layne, and still has his own sound. I liken the transition to when Bon Scott of AC/DC died and Brian Johnson stepped in and the transition was nearly seamless. I will probably get a few who disagree with me about that, but it's just my opinion.

The new material is vintage Chains, and a refreshing injection into today's rock. I sorely missed AIC's presence in music after Layne Staley's death, and somehow AIC has managed to pull off a fully legitimate comeback.

If you liked all the old AIC catalog, you will love the new album. It's the real deal IMHO.
Slithering into December, rather than bore oneself wondering whether Dylan's Xmas album is dark or lite, proceed directly to Ryco's retrospective of unreleased Morphine "At Your Service." Live Disc 2 "Shade" puts Mark Sandman in the ring with Jim Morrison for title of once and future Lizard King. Brilliant trio cutting a path though avant garde jazz, shuffle blues, and "low rock."
Weezer Ratitude is classic stuff - nothing ground breaking but certainly enjoyable...
Is it just me but ACDC Black Ice is really nicely recorded and it has some great classic stuff.

I find I had to get my air guitar out of the cupboard.

Hats off to Brian Adams and the quality production from his new Vancouver Studio: The Warehouse