Who's your guitar daddy now?

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I just got a blue ray player so I bought the live John Mayer BR disc to check out the audio side of things in the format. I couldn't name a single JM tune, but I know he's a pop star, dates pretty girls, and I had heard he could play some guitar, so I gave it a shot.

No doubt he has some technique and some passion, but his vocabulary and phrasing are really derivative. Dave Mason here, name your favorite '60s electric bluesman there. Compare his tone to Clapton or phrasing to Richard Thompson and there's no "there" there. He also lacks the "wit" of a Todd Rundgren or Bill Kirchen, who could otherwise be criticized on the same basis. JM is undoubtedly a fine player and I certainly wouldn't dismiss the guy, but -in the end- I found myself a bit disappointed.

My guitar hero list still includes RT, Lindsey Buckingham, David Hidalgo, Danny Gatton, and more.

Martykl, I'm sure you recognize that Mayer is a lot younger than the guys you hold him up to in comparison. Most young guitarists are imitators to a large degree until they find their own voice. I'm not a Mayer fan per se, frankly I'm never listened to him very much, but I can certainly recognize that he has the potential to be a great one. I will agree that his vocals don't do much for me.