Some irrefutable truths about rock and roll

1) Robert Johnson invented rock and roll, and is the rightful King of it. Elvis Presley's title should be amended to "Poster Boy of Early Rock and Roll."

2) Jeff Buckley's version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" is infinitely better than the Rufus Wainwright version and is the definitive version of the song.

3) The Rolling Stones were and are the most overrated band in the history of rock and roll.

4) If it's too loud you are, indeed, too old.

5) The Stone Roses' self-titled debut is the best debut album ever in the history of ever.

6) John Mayer needs to stop that right now.

7) A good song is a good song, whether it's played on an Audiovox tape deck and a single factory speaker in a 1976 Buick Skylark or a complete Linn Klimax system.

8) A couple of Les Pauls, a Fender Precision bass, and a decent set of drums sound every bit as good as the most disciplined orchestra.

9) There is absolutely nothing wrong with having the occasional urge to crank "Hungry Like the Wolf" from time to time, so long as it doesn't become a habit.

Did I forget anything?

*yes, I realize everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, and this is meant to be tongue-in-cheek.
Here is just one sample of lyrics from a little known Moodies (known for their "classical" music influences) song that provides great example of what I am talking about:

"Walking in the sand
Thinking of things, adventures in my mind
Tall ships that sail
Across the ocean wide
They won't wait for me
See the way they glide away so gracefully
And with tomorrow what will become of me
They leave me so much to explain
That's the start of our guessing game

There are times when I think I've found the truth
There are times when I know that I'm wrong
And the days when I try to hide my fears
Bless the days when I'm feeling strong
Bless the days when I'm feeling strong

Wonder why we try so hard
Wonder why we try at all
You wonder why the world is turning around
When in the end it won't matter at all

Standing in the town
Looking at people, counting their frowns
Unhappy faces, hurrying around
So blind they cannot see
All of these things
The way life ought to be
And with tomorrow what will they make of me
It leaves me so much to explain
That's the start of our guessing game

There are times when I think I've found the truth
There are times when I know that I'm wrong
And the days when I try to hide my fears
Bless the days when I'm feeling strong
There are times when I think I've found the truth
There are times when I know that I'm wrong
And the days when I try to hide my fears
Bless the days when I'm feeling strong
There are times when I think I've found the truth"
.. or this, which ain't a bad place for anyone looking to find themselves to start:

"I've been thinking
The way people do
'Bout the things that matter
To me and you
I've decided
To do what I can
And to find the kind of man
I really am
I can see the world from here
And it sometimes makes me
Want to disappear
Back to nature
That's where we belong
And with just one truth I've found
You can't go wrong
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Whatever you say
Say, say, say
Say it with love.

I remember
A long time ago
When I heard those guitars
That I worship so
I was captured
I wanted to stay
And to hear that kind of music
Heard the songs
Around the world
Saw the smiling faces
On the boys and girls
I was destined
To play come what may
And there's just one thing
I knew I had to say
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Whatever you say
Say, say, say
Say it with love.

A sea of doubt
There's a million voices shouting
Let me out, let me out
When we go
We never return
'Cos there's just one lesson
That we got to learn
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Whatever you say
Say, say, say
Say it with love
Say it with love
Say it with love
Say it with love
Say it with love."
Timeless Troubadours

I've read this. Written by a respected and reputable author in his field apparently, not a music critic or media guy. Definitely a lot in there to dispute the notion that all rock music is bad.

Schubert stands firm in his beliefs about right and wrong, which I admire. He is critiquing the music and how he perceives it as affecting people in a way that is negative or harmful to people. There is no doubt it has in many cases, though not all. So I agree with his stand based on principles.

Maybe you've been listening to too much evil rock music? I find your posts callous and condescending and actually might even help substantiate Schubert's point. A little more spiritually uplidting music might do you some good.
I highly recommend Nick Tosche's "Hellfire," about Jerry Lee Lewis at his peak. Lewis was raised in that fire and brimstone deep southern version of religion, and Tosche's writing alternates between dark, mock biblical passages and the sheer exuberance of Lewis' stagecraft (and lunatic offstage antics). This book captures the good v. evil theme of rock and roll in a way peculiar to its time and place; to me, the so-called 'dark side' of much later acts like Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper were more schtick than reality (much as I love certain of those albums).
I would feel a real loss without some of the music that grew out of the early rock and roll era, including late 60's- early 70's psychedlia. Just to name one album that has been a constant for me since it was released: Spirit's 'Dr. Sardonicus.' Or the soaring jazz inflected drive of the Allman's when Duane was still living.
I won't judge Schubert- his tastes and views are his own. I doubt it has much to do with age. Look at some of the music greats: Chris Blackwell, who brought us so much on Island in the early days, now in his late 70's; the late Phil Ramone, whose discography of production and engineering spanned many generations of great music making; Clive Davis, Ahmet Ergtegun, Mo Ostin and so many others of a 'certain age' who were (and still are) making great music possible.