Looking for great violin CDs in solo.

Hi all,
I'm looking for great violin CDs to buy either in solo or with piano and /or guitar in back ground. They must sound soft, sweet, and romantic; something that I can get goose bumps from.
Orchestra is great but it'll be too much information for me to follow and for my gear testing.

-For guitar, I like Christopher Parkening
-For piano, I like Richard Clayderman
-For violin, who could that be?

Thanks all.
if you are going to open this up to more than just solo violin, your universe just exploded! Now you are talking the whole world of string quartets, piano trios, cello sonatas, etc. Here are some good choices featuring excellent performances of great music recorded well:

Schiff and Pereyi-Beethoven Cello sonatas on ECM
Floristan Trio-Beethoven Piano trios on Hyperion
Kashkashian and Levin - Brahms Viola sonatas on ECM
Takacs Quartet- Beethoven Quartets on Decca
Takacs Quartet- Schubert Death and the Maiden on Hyperion
An enthusiastic second to Jburidan's recommendation of the Biber Mystery Sonatas: absolutely magical stuff.
A few............

Viktoria Mullova plays Mozart Concertos Nos 1,3 & 4 -Philips.
Classic Perlman- Sony
Classic Kennedy- EMI
Hilary Hahn (any)
Pamela Frank plays mozart concertos 1-5 Arte Nova
Nigel Kennedy- Tchaikovsky & Sibelius Concertos- EMI
Nigel Kennedy-Mendelsohn & Bruck Concertos EMI.
Anne Sophie Mutter.