The old timers give the young'ns tips on the 60s.

I love the music of the was such a magic time musically. Unfortunately I wasn't born yet. Of course, we young'ns know about the greats....CSN, Jefferson Airplane The Doors, Neil Young, CCR, the obvious ones...but it took me awhile to find Moby Grape, Richie Havens or Nick Drake. How about some tips of some great sixities music that somehow has dropped off the radar.
Here's the next batch worth (some even essential!) to check out.

Kim Fowley (Animal God of the Streets!)
Electric Prunes
Family (the one with Roger Chapman, that is, do not confuse this with the 80's Band that went by the same name!)
Wisbone Ash
Graham Bond Organization (figure this: Graham Bond, Jack Bruce, Ginger Baker, John McLaughlin, Dick Heckstal-Smith, John Hiseman!)
Electric Flag
Giles, Giles & Fripp (the ones to become King Crimson, a group that hopefully remained on everyone's radar, otherwise they should be mentioned here as well in BIG, DayGlo characters)
Jefferson Airplane's After Bathing at Baxters. Barely recognized, but one of the best of the '60's, and surely their best. Sound quality is pathetic, alas.

try Mountain, Yardbirds,for rock, for pop, Bobby Fuller four,Dave Clark Five,Mcoys with Rick Derringer