I don't know what part of the world you are in but....
I find many great condition LP's at the Fleamarkets, Yard Sales, Thrift Stores (Goodwill, Salvation, Catholic Services)and many other non profit organizations. And for profit too! Search the internet for used record dealers/stores in your area. Visit them and see how they grade and support the guys that you feel have the best grading.
I agree with the first responder with what I call his/her rules of engagement. Many do grade too high. I picked up an LP which looked perfect a couple weeks ago and when I got it home it was pops and ticks galore. I got it cheap so I can't complain too much but I will be carefull the next time I buy from him. I look for lustre, sheen, no groove damage, no liquid on the inner lables, and if a turntable is around I listen to them. You don't have that luxury at the Fleamarkets and Thrift Stores. Estate sales are another good source. If you purchase LP's from a DJ collection understand that they track between 3 and 6 grams or more. Not good when you are playing them on a very resolving system.
I buy very few new LP's today. When I do I already know the quality of the recording. I have been warned about buying Scorpio Label records. I have never seen one so I can't tell you what they look like but I'm sure someone on the site can tell you. The last time I saw the name was Circuit City Vinyl offerings.
I personally try and listen to several tracks on the LP before I buy it. I listen mostly to Jazz, Classical, Audiophile recordings, Folk, R&B, and World Music sometimes. The LP's at the Thrift shop and Fleamarkets are so cheap I take risks on some LP's. If I find one that sounds great then I may look for it on new vinyl. I recently found a rare LP for fifty cents and it sold for over $500. I have purchased many Jazz and R&B titles from soundstagedirect.com and wdcdradio.com. I haven't purchased many 180gm or 200gm records yet because those I have purchased recently were copies I had been seeking and I already knew the quality I was getting. They are as good as 70's vinyl and the surfaces have always been quiet. You can still sample most new recordings online if you google the artist. This will give you an idea of how well it was recorded; and maybe not on some. So it's a risk.
I listen to many recordings at my friends house and I then seek that LP out if it catches my ear. First identify the artist you want to buy and then seek the various labels. For instance Dire Straits Love Over Gold has at least 3 pressings that I am aware of. I have all three. One seemed to be equalized differently than the others and one had quieter vinyl than the other 2. If you are into Jazz check out All About Jazz and get a review. Check to see if it is an LP or CD they are reviewing.