Download 24 Songs & Pay $1.9 Million

In case your teenager(s) favorite pastime is downloading the latest hit record(s) to their iPod you may be interested to know that a federal jury has found a Minnesota woman guilty of downloading 24 songs from the internet without paying for the download.

The judgment against her is for $1.9 million or $80,000 per song. This is the first copyright infringement case of its kind to go to trial. The songs were priced at .99 cents each on the net. Unless you have a spare million or two it might be a good idea to advise the kids.
My ex's brother used to download music for free all the time without paying. I used to warn him about the potential to get into trouble. After awhile, he did stop downloading for free.
You dont get "in trouble" for downloading...they bust you for uploading. The music/video Co. cant afford to sue like they did 10 years ago when they were trying to make a "point". Their lawyers were the only ones getting rich. Now they hire independent Co.'s that find out who is uploading/downloading and send emails to ISP's who own their address ranges...force the ISP's to send emails to their customers to stop doing it...and state that if they dont they will be dropped. I'm sure someone somewhere is scared.
I should have said that he would download songs and then upload them for others to use. Are you saying that many music companies are having emails sent to people that they find are uploading music in an effort to get them to stop?