Re: Story about Ringo

I know that Ringo Starr has been the subject of some debate on this forum. In today's USA Today (don't ask), Dennis Diken, the drummer for Smithereens, did a piece on Ringo's influence. It's a good read. It's probably on their web site, but I don't have a link.

I hate it when people bash Ringo. I don't get how anyone could not recognize his uniqueness. But then again, there are people that bash the Beatles, which I will never understand!

Ha!--Well a blast from my past I roomed with Ringo at Butlins Holiday Camp Phewelli North Wales 60'swhen he was the drummer with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. We had many a "bender" and great times then -used to travel back to Liverpool got to meet his Folks at their Scotland Road Semi.
Great guy --friendly funny, one for the practical jokes. Bloody good drummer as well. Can tell many a story!

But my lips are sealed!

george martin didn't 'sign' the beatles...he was assigned to the beatles....ringo was already a member before the beatles met martin.
Ringo had a great musical sensibility for The Beatles' songs. His contribution to their overall sound was critical. I couldn't imagine many of their songs being as good without him behind the drums.

One thing that made his playing unique is that he is left handed but his drum kit was set up for a right handed player. This allowed (or forced) him to play many fills and patterns in a non-standard fashion.
