Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder why some artists (individuals or groups) attain success through critical acclaim and/or record (cd) sales?

Here is my list of those who have made it in the recording/entertainment industries and is completely puzzling to me.

Please list your own; it's irrelevant what you think of mine.

OK, here you go (in no particular order):

Sheryl Crow
Norah Jones
Michael Bolton
Celine Dion
Joe Cocker
Manhattan Transfer
Rickie Lee Jones
Phil Collins

That's enough to get started; show me what you got.
Hey Bill,
Well, I can go along with most of your list, with two exceptions: Norah Jones, (I really like her voice, although I will admit that her records have been hit or miss), and Phil Collins. (He is the true definintion of "Pop Music", and he does it well: But Pop music is what it is, which is just toe tapping music, that does not require a lot of thought. And yes, his best days are truly well behind him, as his talent seemed to have peaked in the late '70s, and he has just been coasting since then.)

I gotta agree with you, I have never understood the attraction of U2. (And I can not stand Bono's voice.)
But you like Tom Waits? Yikes!

Other I just don't like include:
Elvis (Never liked him, his voice or his Schtick)
Stink (Never liked the Police either)
Radiohead (Another guy whose voice I don't like)
Prince (Yuck, with a capital "Y")

I really like good vocals, and if I don't like a person's voice, (for whatever reason), I just can not like their music much.

Now Yoko Ono, there's a good voice!
(Excuse me while I run to the toilet! .....)

My two cents worth anyway.
I don't think the OP is really asking for comments about his individual choices, but why are some artists incredibly commercially successful and others not?

A few examples:
Rolling Stones vs. the Kinks
U2 vs. Gang Of 4
Stevie Ray Vaughan vs. Buddy Guy
Grateful Dead vs. Quicksilver Messenger Service
Eric Clapton vs. Jack Bruce

Everyone on this list attained commercial, artistic and critical success, but the first named became megastars and the second named did not. In sports and other competitive fields a person's willpower and desire are major determinate factors, but I'm not sure that's the answer here. Then again, it's called show business and some will naturally know how to work the system better than others.
My 8 year old daughter loves Disney Channel. Seems like every attractive teen on a show that can carry a tune to any extent at all there these days also gets pushed as a recording artist.

I do think Miley Cyrus has talent and it will be interesting to see where her career goes. And how about them Jonas brothers?

I suppose appeal is totally in the eyes of the beholder. One thing for sure, if your selling lots of records, somebody out there likes you.

Remember also that the "pop" in pop music stands for popular and often has little to do with artistic merit, which is all very subjective anyhow.

One thing I've learned as I've gotten older is that most things that are in fact popular generally have some merit mixed in although often it can get lost in the mix.