any new Beatle fans because of the remasters?

gotta admit that the beatles were never really my cup of tea. they were a little before my time but i do remember my older sisters jamming to them when i was very young. thought they were ok and liked a few of their cuts but was never really a fan. i did have a huge amount of respect for them but never really "liked" their music.

all this remaster talk got me to try a couple of the discs recently (white album and revolver). couldn't believe how much i enjoyed them!. maybe i never gave them a chance in the first place?. maybe my tastes have matured/changed?. maybe the recording sound alot better??. most likely it's a combo of all of the above. regardless....i'm really "liking" them now. defiantly gonna buy a few more or maybe even the box set.

better late then never

anyone else a new fan?
It is amazing how the R&B of that period sounds so much more alive than so much of its British counterparts.

Take blues artists such as Slim Harpo, Howlin Wolf, Otis Rush and Sonnyboy Williamson for example. Stack them against their British blues counterparts and I think there will be some black vinyl 12 inch frisbees flyin' out the window in a hurry!!! I listened to some John Mayall recently and had to turn it off and immediately cleanse my palate with a whole lot of chess material to get that whiney sound out of my head. As much as I give grief about the beatles, I can give triple that on the subject of Eric Clapton (most over rated guitar player in history). Remember "Clapton is god"?
"It is amazing how the R&B of that period sounds so much more alive"

Yes, I would agree that the R&R and R&B and "race" music has a certain air about it that is refreshingly raw and alive in a way that makes it stand uniquely on its own, especially with the quality repackagings and remasters available for these also these days played on a good system.

The Beatles in particular though did breathe a new, different and unique sense of life into their covers of many of the these tunes that they performed live in their early years though IMHO. I could take or leave most of the other early BRitish Invasion acts that covered these same grounds early in their careers in comparison however, including the Stones. I do still have a soft spot for most of the early Moody Blues recordings from their days with Denny Laine, I must admit, but that may be more because I have always been a Moodies mark to start with.
In the early 80's there was a 3 or 4 volume set of vinyl (sold separately) called "British blues" or something like that. It has more or less obscure British blues acts like Stone's Masonry, Savoy Brown Blues band, and of course early not-very-obscure Fleetwood Mac (and some rare stuff in this set).

The Brit stuff is fine, for an imitation. It is great when musicians breathe new life into something and make it uniquely their own, but it is always best to hear it in context with the original. I think the English guys didn't really do anything truly original until at least the mid-sixties, and then blues became something entirely different. LSD had something to do with that....

When I was a kid I heard the British stuff first, then discovered the originals. At that point I threw my early Rolling Stones albums out with yesterday's trash!
Savoy Brown is still a favorite of mine. Kim Simmonds still tours both with a group as Savoy Brown and solo. They are one of my last remaining must see classic rock acts out there that I have never had the opportunity to see live.

The british blues guys, especially those that were in their prime in the later 60's and early to mid 70's, were a definitely a different breed. And yes, The Beatles (and Stones too I suppose) were major artistic influences as well at that point as well as were the earlier American bluesmen.
When I was about 9 I used to run home from the schoolbus every day to play my copy of Savoy Brown's "Street Corner Talkin'". I played it so many times on my cheapo Laffayette compact stereo that I wore it out almost completely. I still love that album for sentimental reasons, and am looking for a good vinyl copy of it!