Looking for Wagner recommendations

I'm a relative newbie when it comes to classical. I'm looking for some Wagner recommendations. Any suggestions on where to start?
It is an undeniable fact; that great music is sometimes made by total dickheads. One must simply have to accept that and enjoy what is to be enjoyed. Wagner was a genius, and neither his egotism, zenophobia, nor anti-semitism should stand in the way of taking in his wonderful works.
Sometimes it's better to not know much, or anything, about a composer before listening to his/her music.

An understanding of Wagner (or anyone) is essential if you are to truly understand his works at a very scholarly level, but not required to enjoy them.

I imagine many of Beethoven's comtemporaries hated his music because they hated him personally. Their loss.

Feel free. To my view, listening to his works for their musical qualities is like reading Mein Kampf to study narrative style, but to each his own.
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Pink Floyd, through their drug haze, was using satire and irony. The same way The Clash lampooned neo-Nazis in their song The Clampdown or The Jam exposed skinheads in That's Entertainment.