Soulsavers, Mark Lanegan, Gutter Twins

If you are a fan of Mark Lanegan or any of his projects (Gutter Twins, Soulsavers) there is a really nice (and free!) flac download on marklanegan dot org. It's a live, 8 song, radio performance of the Soulsavers. Mostly stuff from the new record, Broken. It is pretty damn nice stuff. Thought I would pass it along...I particularly like the song Unbalanced Pieces...
Thanks Richard. I just saw Soulsavers again recently when they came through town. Great show. Lanegan was in fine form, as usual. must be somewhere in europe. they never come around here for some reason. gutter twins had a show scheduled but cancelled. the twilight singers do come pretty often as greg dulli grew up nearby. i have some pretty fond memories of afghan whigs shows when i was younger, the gentleman tour in particular!
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