Quality recordings of reggae/ska and alternative

I need help expanding my "reference" cds of reggae, ska and alternative rock; I'm interested in those with the highest quality recording and wide soundstage (if possible with this genre of music!). Does near audiophile quality exist for these genres? What are your recommendations? Some of the favs in my collection are: Cake, Ben Folds, Beck, Bare Naked Ladies, Bob Marley Legend, Steel Pulse, They Might Be Giants, Muse; I could go on with my list but want your suggestions on music that sounds great on 2 channel audiophile systems. Thanks!
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The Specials first album should be in every collection. Amazing writing, playing and production.

There is also a wonderful compilation from the 1980s called the "2 Tone Story" that assembled all the English bands together, including the Bodysnatchers, The Beat. Madness, Rico, the Selecter and the Specials.

Island Records came out with a similar compilation called "Island 40th 1972 - 1995 Reggae Roots" that has many of the seminal artists listed above.

I highly recommend "Arkology Volumes 1 to 3" for dub reggae by Lee "Scratch" Perry and some of the newer Trojan Records compilations for lessor known Reggae groups.

A great source of information is Wax Poetics Magazine, which has featured Jamaican artists over their 37 editions. Check out their website.
I really like all the Counting Crows cd's for two channel.
Also check out a Cd called "Dub side of the Moon" by the "Easy star all stars". It's a full dub remix of Pink Floyd's DSOTM. Awesome cd, great for parties, too.
Bongofury is recommending some pretty great stuff...I have a ton of those records. This Are 2 Tone is another good ska comp. I'm more into dub stuff than regular reggae. If you want some pics that's my expertise.
This is great stuff. I've been into ska/reggae music since high school in the 80's, and now that hooked on this hobby of quality 2-channel audio (on a working man's budget mind you!)I'm looking for the best of both worlds. Haven't been into dub but am looking forward to giving it a good try.
I agree with you on Counting Crows Fishcat1. Dub side of moon sounds very interesting so I'll have to check it out.