Maple Shade Recordings?

Has anyone heard or bought any of the recordings in the Maple Shade catalog.
I have never heard of any of the artists and was wondering if anyone had opinions to share.

thank you.
Mapleshade Music Festival.Have to agree with Lindisfarne.The recording is great,but by the time a few tracks have past>>on to something different.Festival is a good ,cheap exposure,or a compilation.
I agree with lindisfarne. I have a couple of their CD's and while they are technically impeccable I think there is a reason no one has ever heard of any of these artists. Not that they are bad artistically but it is just that there are other artists out there who are much better.

I would rather listen to an OK recording of a great artist than a great recording of an OK artist.

I own a couple of their world music series Cd's. Mediocre artists. Recording quality IMHO is OK. There are other labels like Waterlily, Reference, and alike that do a much better job without all the hype.

So you don't masterbate for better sound as farne.

