Name your lame duck artist........

What artist do you put above all others in terms of lack of talent but somehow has achieved success?

For me Madonna has to be the queen of mediocrity (mediocre being a compliment in this case) - can't sing or act and what's with the fake english accent after living there a whole two years.
And don't get me going with all these new female jazz "singers" with that vomit inducing vibratoless whisper that seems to have become mandatory in that genre today......Jones clones.
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just a word in defense of sheryl crow. i'm not gonna claim she's godlike, but i think she gets unfairly maligned, probably because she's milfy and pops up a lot in people magazine. she's actually a good musician, with a knack for melody--like steve miller or bryan adams, she can knock out a catchy, dumb radio single. i'm all for artists who have actual songs, as opposed to simply a sound.
I saw Sheryl Crow live in Austin a few years ago, my wife loves her and dragged me to the show, and you know what I have to admit........she sucked. My wife even said she sucked. Sorry, I had to throw that in.
iheard about that austin show--reportedly, she was all agitated about lance armstrong having only one testicle....
Easy - Ashlee Simpson and Taylor Swift. Makes me embarrassed to be a fellow biped. One a lighter note I was in a dive bar (think stage surrounded by chicken wire) in arizona a few years back and a terrible band was trying to play. Lead singer? hollers something completely unintelligible, picks up a full bottle of Jack Daniels and chugs the ENTIRE thing! The bartender and I exchange a "Did I just see that?" look and the band launches into a new song (from the drums I seem to recall it was Back in Black) and the singer continues trying to sing. Watched him completely disintegrate. To his credit he kept trying up until the ambulance showed. Seriously! Moral of the story is that at least Ashlee and Taylor dont vomit in front of me.