You stated "$100K (or more) for a full loom of cables? Get real...this is one of the key reasons why people think audiophiles are crazy!"
This is precisely my point. Unless you are a multi-millionaire and could not give a hoot about the price, if audiophiles plunk down the astronomical prices being demanded for these cables, and the cables of other makers, people have very good reason to suspect they are crazy. IMO.
You stated "The DIYer cannot match any of them." How do you know that? Have you tried? And even if you have tried and failed, there is more than one DIY path. Ozzy has already stated his speaker wires outperform all the multi-thousand dollar speaker wires he has ever had in his system. Same for me. With all due respect, you may speak accurately for yourself as a DIYer but you cannot speak for everyone.
You also stated "... we can lower our goals ..." But this is precisely the point I am making here and that Ozzy has made, as well. The object is to raising your goals by making cables that outperform multi-thousand dollar cables. This does not lower the bar because of the simple fact this costs very little to do. It may encourage disbelief but that does not mean it has not been done.
You stated "$100K (or more) for a full loom of cables? Get real...this is one of the key reasons why people think audiophiles are crazy!"
This is precisely my point. Unless you are a multi-millionaire and could not give a hoot about the price, if audiophiles plunk down the astronomical prices being demanded for these cables, and the cables of other makers, people have very good reason to suspect they are crazy. IMO.
You stated "The DIYer cannot match any of them." How do you know that? Have you tried? And even if you have tried and failed, there is more than one DIY path. Ozzy has already stated his speaker wires outperform all the multi-thousand dollar speaker wires he has ever had in his system. Same for me. With all due respect, you may speak accurately for yourself as a DIYer but you cannot speak for everyone.
You also stated "... we can lower our goals ..." But this is precisely the point I am making here and that Ozzy has made, as well. The object is to raising your goals by making cables that outperform multi-thousand dollar cables. This does not lower the bar because of the simple fact this costs very little to do. It may encourage disbelief but that does not mean it has not been done.