Van Halen or Van Hagar

What's your preference?

Me- Van Hagar.
Listen to Van Halens' cover of "You're No Good". Total ear-bleed IMO. He squeals like my 3 year old daughter, but not nearly as cutely! ;*) I remember when this LP came out- I was so excited. But I hated it. Still do. Even the name of the album is lame. Ya- I know, Zep used it before as well as a myriad of other artist. Still it’s not creative at all. The next track is "Dance the Night Away". Sure it was a huge hit, but how many DLR squeals can YOU take? Totally cheesy. I tossed this on my TT to let my wife listen and it is even worse than I remember. The music is great, it is just DLR I can't stomach. I pretty much like most of VH's music- the difference in which albums I listen to is the singer. Van Halen has a LOT of great songs- I won’t argue that, and I love their first album. But DLR needed to be knocked down a peg or two. Or at least be de-squealed…
Kirk Hammett is pretty much the laughing stock of metal guitarists. I wanna cram that wah pedal down his throat.

Metallica...There is another band-ahh with an annoying lead singer-ahh.

I've never heard of Kirk Hammett being a laughing stock of anything. Maybe there is some jealously of how popular Mettillica has been, but laughing-stock? No that's hard to take seriously. He has ripped off some incredible riffs over the years, and is an amazing musician live.

He has a way cool style, that may not be to everyone's taste, as with EVH, but dismissing him in such a way as if that's the common perception, that's just not reality.

I had a brainstorm! Hard to believe, I know. Kirks wah-wah pedal, James Hetfield's throat!