Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?

I saw the Black Eyed Peas in PA last night and all I can say is WOW. The whole production was over the top with a futuristic Science Fiction vibe. The music was like no other with so many influences its hard to classify as any one style.
The bottom end literally moved my hair and clothes.
The audience was a wide variety of fans. Many parents brought their children, 10,11 years old. The crowd was white, black, Asian, young, old (me) and happy.
I recommend you go see this show when the opportunity presents itself. It is history in the making.
Dreadhead, there is a "making of" oprah flash mob or three out there (there is probably even one on oprah's site). I happen to think dancing flash mobs are one of the coolest things going. There was a T-Mobile commercial in Liverpool station, a cool 'Sound of Music' in Antwerp Station, and I am sure a bunch more.
On the weekend, I saw a band that was 'the future of modern music' in 1973. Called the New York Dolls. I thought they might suck now, but boy was I wrong. If you get the chance, go see them. They absolutely rocked!
Same story, different day. Anything different from Album Oriented Rock gets flamed in the AudiogoN community. I am surprised that a site oriented to high quality stereo reproduction is mired in the good old days. I can think of 100 new bands that would rival anything from the "golden era." Great songwriting, great production, great live dynamics.

Personal taste is personal taste. See no place for all the hatemail I see on a routine basis on this site. My life is rich because I embrace all forms of music. I consume within 20 different genres. Open your mind and open your heart. Who wants to be apart of a community that bickers. I for one, love free thinkers who constantly challenge my with new groups to listen to. Why select vanilla when you can have 31 flavors. I'm just saying....
Wow look at all the lectures in here, and seriosuly some are hinting towards personal offense over the "Black Eyed Peas"....seriously?
Get over yourselves, its a POP band, not everyone needs to or should have to like it and fans of them (atleast some) are being a bit insecure about it all...........calm down, its a pop band.
I bet the bars are gonna do great business during halftime show at Superbowl.........just sayin :)
(and if that makes you bitter.......dont bother)