Don't you love it when this happens?

I was just picking through a stack of records I hadn't listened to for a while and randomly pulled out Branford Marsalis' 1989 double album, "Trio Jeepy" featuring Jeff Tain Waits on Drums and Milt Hinton on Bass. A terrific record, well recorded, beautifully played, absolutely listenable, and just a pleasure to re-discover lying around in my own family room.
My rediscovery came in the form of XTC's "Wasp Star". What an excellent album. Just listen to "I'm the Man Who Murdered Love"...
Years ago when Trio Jeepy was new, I was at Savant Audio near Princeton New Jersey for a audition of the ProAc Response 2. He played the CD on a Mod Squad CD player and an Eagle amp. That was the very first, and one of the only times I really heard sonic holography. The drum set sounded full size and three dimensional about six feet behind the speakers, and I could "hear" the floor in the studio. it was pretty amazing. I bought the CD, but I never really grew to love it. It is a great demo CD for sound.
Love "Jeepy". One of the best recorded acoustic bass LP's in my view. Very spontaneous feel for a studio album. I love the way Marsalis steps/swings away from the microphone occasionally--seems like the three of them are just having a blast. Some really good drum riffs too. Thanks for mentioning it I'm going downstairs to play it through.
"It's the record I always recommend when people says it makes no sense to have an LP sourced from a digital master."

Lyle Lovettes' Pontiac is the same way. I bought this used on a whim and now it's one of my favorite LP's.